Our Services

Pain and Injury Assessment and Rehabilitation

  • Don’t let foot and ankle pain hold you back.

    Evidence based treatment to help you put your best foot forward.

  • 45 minutes


Surgery Rehabilitation

  • Be guided through your surgery recovery, to rehabilitate your injury.

    Our rehabilitation programs have been built in conjunction with Foot and Ankle surgeons, and tested by Practitioners, to ensure the best outcomes following surgery.

  • 30 minutes


Shockwave Therapy

  • Shockwave Therapy is an evidence based treatment, used effectively for the following conditions:

    * Plantar Fasciitis / Fasciopathy
    * Achilles Tendinopathy
    * Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome (shin splints) * Fibromas
    * Tibialis Posterior Tendon Dysfunction / Pain

  • 15 minutes


Unsure of what service to book? Contact us and one of our practitioners will be in touch.