Shockwave Therapy

Shockwave Therapy is now available at Foot & Ankle Albury. Shockwave Therapy is an evidence based treatment, used effectively for the following conditions: * Plantar Fasciitis / Fasciopathy * Achilles Tendinopathy * Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome (shin splints) * Fibromas * Tibialis Posterior Tendon Dysfunction / Pain

Shockwave Therapy
  • Shockwave Therapy involves the application of acoustic waveforms into painful tissue, with the aim of creating a healing response. It involves the use of an applicator that applies repetitive focus waveforms onto the affected area.

  • Shockwork Therapy can improve pain and injury in the following ways:

    * Pro-inflammatory response: The use of Shockwave can increase the healing response associated with inflammation. This can increase tissue healing time and subsequently pain.

    * Improves blood flow and circulation: Shockwave Therapy can stimulate blood flow and circulation which increases the levels of oxygen and healing nutrients in the injured or painful tissue.

    * Substance P: The use of Shockwave depletes the release of a specific substance (substance P). Substance P is a part of the process of the transmission of pain, but the use of shockwave depletes the substance for an extended period of time. This results in a reduction in pain.

  • Shockwave Therapy uses an applicator that is held to the skin around the sore tissue. A treatment lasts between 4-7 minutes.

  • Shockwave Therapy is an extremely safe and proven treatment modality. Your Podiatrist will screen you for any contraindications.

  • Shockwave Therapy does induce discomfort, which is an important component of a successful treatment. Shockwave Therapy does require the client to provide feedback regarding pain levels, and pain is never pushed higher than a 7/10. However, pain relief from treatment soon follows.