Embarking on an Ultra Trail Race: A Conversation with Macauley Jones.

Episode 13 of The Foot & Ankle Project held it’s first guest - Macauley Jones.

In the realm of endurance sports, few challenges match the intensity and demand of ultramarathon races. These grueling tests of physical and mental fortitude push athletes to their limits and beyond, showcasing the incredible capabilities of the human body and mind. Today, we delve into the world of ultra running with a special guest, Macauley Jones, a seasoned supercars racer turned ultra runner.

Macca, in November 2023, completed the Mount Kosciuszko 100 Miler Ultra Trail race, a daunting 165-kilometer journey through rugged terrain and unpredictable conditions. In this episode of the Foot and Ankle Project podcast, we sit down with Macauley to uncover the untold story behind his remarkable achievement.

Setting the Stage: Preparation and Planning

For Macca, the road to the 100 Miler began long before race day. With a meticulous approach to training and preparation, he embarked on a journey that tested his physical limits and mental resilience. "So much goes into the prep," Macauley reflects. "I decided to enter the 100-mile run in January of 2023, knowing that it was in December, after my race season. This timing allowed me to dedicate significant time to training while still allowing for recovery."

Central to Macca's preparation was the guidance of his coach, Blake Hoes, a seasoned trail runner with a scientific approach to training. "Outsourcing my training to Blake was the best decision I made," Macauley admits. "He structured my training around my race schedule, emphasizing gradual progression and smart volume management."

Navigating the Training Terrain

As Macauley delved into his training regimen, he encountered new challenges and embraced a slower, more deliberate approach to running. "There was a lot more slow running than I expected," he recalls. "At times, it was frustrating to adjust to a slower pace, but I trusted the process and focused on building endurance and efficiency."

Heart rate monitoring played a crucial role in Macauley's training, guiding his efforts to stay within optimal zones for aerobic development and endurance. "Every session had a purpose," he explains. "I ran predominantly by heart rate, which allowed me to control intensity and avoid overtraining."

Facing the Unknown: Race Day Realities

On race day, Macauley's months of preparation were put to the ultimate test as he embarked on the 100-mile odyssey through challenging terrain and unpredictable weather. "It scared me," he admits candidly. "But there was a fascination in pushing my limits and experiencing the mental and physical challenges of running through the night."

As Macauley navigated the course, he relied on a carefully crafted nutrition and hydration plan to sustain his energy and combat fatigue. "The checkpoints were crucial," he reflects. "I had to be efficient and strategic in refueling, balancing fluid intake, carbs, and electrolytes to maintain performance."

Looking Ahead: Challenges and Opportunities

With the Mount Kosciuszko 100 Miler now behind him, Macauley reflects on the lessons learned and the challenges yet to come. "I enjoyed the slower pace and strategic mindset of ultra running," he shares. "But there's still much to explore and new challenges to conquer."

As he contemplates his next steps, Macauley remains committed to pushing his boundaries and embracing the unknown. "The journey continues," he declares with a smile. "Whether it's chasing faster times or tackling new distances, I'm excited to see where the trail leads."

Mindset: Pushing Through Challenges

Reflecting on the moments of doubt during the ultramarathon, Macauley revealed his unwavering determination. Despite facing physical and mental hurdles, he maintained a resilient mindset, focusing on giving his best with each step. "All I could do was do the best I could do," Macauley shares, emphasizing his commitment to his training and preparation.

With each milestone surpassed, such as reaching the 50-kilometer mark, Macauley found motivation in the incremental achievements. "Every step was further than what I'd ever done," he recalls, highlighting the significance of perseverance and pacing in endurance events.

Running Your Own Race: Finding Solace in Solitude

During the ultramarathon, Macauley embraced the mantra of "run your own race," a guiding principle that extends beyond the racecourse. As he navigated through varying terrains and distances, he remained focused on his individual journey, tuning out external distractions and comparisons.

Even amidst moments of solitude, Macauley found clarity and purpose, continually resetting his focus and assessing his needs. "Be where your feet are," he reminds himself, drawing parallels between running and life's challenges, where self-awareness and adaptability are essential.

The Role of Discipline and Selfishness

As an elite athlete, Macauley acknowledges the necessity of discipline and occasional selfishness in pursuit of his goals. Balancing training commitments with personal sacrifices, he prioritizes his physical and mental well-being, even when it means deviating from conventional norms.

Recognizing the importance of self-awareness and boundaries, Macauley shares insights into managing expectations and navigating interpersonal relationships. "Being comfortable with yourself to run your own race," he reflects, encapsulating the essence of individual empowerment and autonomy.

As Macauley navigated the final 50 kilometers of the race, he found solace in the presence of his pacer, Harry. Despite the physical and mental fatigue, having someone alongside him provided much-needed distraction and support. "The benefit of it definitely outweighs the negatives," Macauley reflects. However, he also acknowledges the potential pitfalls, such as distractions from maintaining his nutrition regimen.

Running Your Own Race

Throughout the race, Macauley was adamant about running his own race. He appreciated Harry's company but made it clear that he didn't need external pressure to push harder. "I'm running my own race," he emphasizes, highlighting the importance of self-awareness and pacing strategies tailored to individual capabilities.

The Power of Self-Awareness

Drawing parallels between his experiences as a race car driver and a long-distance runner, Macauley underscores the significance of self-awareness. Whether on the track or the trail, understanding one's body and mental state is crucial for optimal performance. "It's having that self-awareness," he notes, "knowing your arousal levels and being able to balance them effectively."

Building Resilience and Consistency

Reflecting on his training journey, Macauley emphasizes the importance of consistency and patience. From heart rate-based training to gym workouts focused on unilateral strength, every aspect of his regimen contributes to building resilience and minimizing injury risk. "It's just doing the work every day in and out," he says, echoing the philosophy of "chop wood, carry water."

The Long-Term Perspective

As Macauley looks ahead to future challenges, he remains committed to the long-term goals. Whether in racing or running, he advocates for a balanced approach that prioritizes health, consistency, and gradual progress. "It's being patient and being able to be patient to build up in that volume," he advises, emphasising the importance of delayed gratification and steady growth.

In conclusion, Macauley's journey serves as a testament to the power of perseverance, self-awareness, and a steadfast commitment to one's goals. As he continues to push the boundaries of his endurance, his insights offer valuable lessons for athletes and enthusiasts alike. So, whether you're navigating the trails or pursuing your own personal challenges, remember the words of Macauley Jones: "Chop wood, carry water, and stay focused on the journey ahead."

Listen to Episode 13 here.


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